
Welcome to my blog ! I am a junior CG artist,graduated from Supinfocom, I work mainly on 3dsmax and photoshop and starting to learn Maya and Zbrush, I am interested in Visual development, Modeling, Texturing and Lighting. this blog will presents some of my personnal works and my old student's works in SUPINFOCOM Valenciennes. Have a good time !

jeudi 24 avril 2014


refine some previous characters designs

the dreamcatchers
Villagers cursed altering their colors skins to greyish blue color and giving some specials abilities. They no longer considered themselves as humans and hiding their faces with mask or accessories.

Sullivan Vanderlinden character designSullivan Vanderlinden character design

Sullivan Vanderlinden character designSullivan Vanderlinden character design

Sullivan Vanderlinden character design 

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